Let's start with currently... I am working full time (40+ hours), taking 16 credits at UNLV, doing my Student Teaching and private, at home therapy for some kiddos that have Autism. I am looking forward to FINALLY graduating in May, May 8th to be exact! Yay!! It is a Saturday and I would love anyone and everyone that is willing to come to come! We will find space for you to sleep and stay... just let me know if you want to come and we can make it happen!
At the beginning of the year I moved out of the townhouse my Mom owns and moved into a house with a girlfriend, Ashlee. I LOVE it!! It is just the 2 of us in a huge 2-story home and her lab-pit mix dog, which I love! His name is Chubs!

So we are enjoying life, trying to get as much line dancing in as possible, especially since we live across the street from RevolveR, a line dance bar that is AMAZING! When everyone comes for my graduation... bring your boots! We know everyone there and can make an awesome night happen!
Anyhow... September was a time of a lot of change for me, I was involved in a car accident, T-boned from the back driver side, I spun around, the other car crashed into the median, the driver got out and ran!! I had hit my head on the steering wheel, was discombobulated and turned around, I saw a guy run but really couldn't give detail?! There was alcohol in the car and the keys were left. The classified it as a hit in run. To my luck (NOT), the owner of the vehicle called 7 hours later to report his car stolen. It seems coincidental that the owner's house was not even a block away and at the light where the accident happened, the driver was turning into a parking lot where Walmart was. Stolen vehicle?!?! I think NOT! I believe the guy was to wasted to know what was happening, ran home and when he came to, realized his car was gone and called it in as a stolen vehicle. Needless to say it has been a mess!!!!

After the new car was when I planned to move and when I decided to get a breast reduction! Yes, big news! Something I have been thinking about since 2005, it has taken a lot of thought, emotional hurdles and financing arrangements but after seeing a handful of doctors I had it scheduled for February 11! A great Valentine's Day gift huh?! <3 I had the procedure and could not be happier! The week prior I had tons of anxiety and had to take an antibiotic for itching... I didn't have hives but itching like crazy under my skin! Sucked!! I had the procedure, was in the hospital for 48 hours then released. My boyfriend came in town from California to take care of me! It was amazing... to see the true colors of someone and the love they can show is truly amazing to me! My roommates mom stayed at the house as well the night prior and helped at the hospital, my mom had work, so it worked out having someone there with me to help with logistics! My Grandma Wilson brought chicken pot pie over... thank goodness! That was my dinner for the first week! Well, I have recovered awesomely!! Love the new girls ;) they took a pound from each and I went down 2 full sizes! It has changed me, in more than one way! And I truly couldn't be happier! With the surgery and medication, it has inspired me to lose even more weight! Over the past year or more I have been working hard to loose and keep off weight, and with 2 pounds down and 5 more pounds off during recovery... I have began to hit the gym hard! I am determined to have the best looking summer EVER!! I will actually be able to fit into my swimsuits now as well as actually buy a swimsuit from Target... which I have NEVER been able to do before! (p.s. if you want to see transition pictures, email me... I am happy to share! As well as giving my doctors number for those interested! And yes... my insurance paid for it! It was deemed medically necessary!!)
It was awesome to see most of the family at the 2009 family reunion in the OBX! I had a blast and being by the ocean is everything I could wish for! During the summer I also made it a couple times to Morro Bay, CA to stay at my Mom's beach house! It has made such transitions since February 2009 to now! So beautiful!!
A quick recap---
- June OBX with the family!
- 4th of July in Miami Beach, FL (AMAZING)
- New Years down on Fremont Street!

- July State Fair in Paso Robles, CA

So... maybe you can tell.... I live my life through my pictures... not so much into writing a 'journal' so to speak!
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